So, real blog one. Ha.
Herm...what to talk about...~*snaps fingers*~
Don't know what that is? It's an MMORPG (something Massive Online Role Playing Game) and it is AWESOME. This is my character. Her name is Oxygenocide and she is (as of yesterday) a level 30 (WOOT!) Draenei Mage. For those who play, hit me up on the server Kirin Tor. For those who don't, here's some info.
World of Warcraft (aka WoW) is a fun game where you learn how to skill up on different weapons, professions (such as tailoring, enchanting, skinning, etc.), and more. You gain reputaton with cities and/or races with each completed quest, and also gain experience, which helps take you to the next level. As you gain levels, you are able to learn new spells, or what have you, depending on your class. There are two sides, Alliance and Horde, and five races per side.
-Night Elf
-Draenei (outerspace aliens....idk. the chicks are hot) (only available with WoW: The Burning Crusade)
-Blood Elf (only available with WoW: The Burning Crusade)
If you plan to start a character, I suggest making a few Alliance characters before diving into the Horde. Why? Because Horde players tend to be bitchy, quite frankly, and a lot better at kicking ass, because they (MOST LIKELY), like you, started out with some Alliance toons and became very good at playing.
Now, there are classes.
-Deathknight (only available with WoW: Wrath of the Lich King)
For the race dances, check out this (unfortunately, they don't carry Draenei or Blood Elf dances): http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/races/dancing.html
And, for now, I will leave the rest of this wonerful game for you to discover yourself. Cos I need my dose of WoW right now. xD
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