Monday, September 21, 2009
Floods of Many
life is pretty miserable for me here in Woodstock. the friends i made have already seemed to forgotten me, except Okie. he still greets me with some modicum of enthusiasm. so, i've been flooded with depression and lots of anger and a bitch load of apathy; i'm no where near Ashton and Olivia.
i'm also flooded and overwhelmed by the new school schedule. i have 1hr classes now, and it keeps freaking me out. i'm so used to 1.5hr classes, and i hate this whole having to do all your homework for each class every night. at NAHS, you can do home work for one class every other night, according to your scheduling. so much easier.
and i keep floating by. my mind is telling me that this is real, that i'm not going back to NAHS anytime soon, but it hasn't really registered yet. i'm not looking forward to when it does, either.
and, in the physical sense, turns out that it's been raining forever down in Atlanta, and now my friends' houses are flooded. and i'm not there to help. Kelly, Cody, Olivia....their houses are flooded and i can only assume that means the majority of those i know down there are as well.
anyways, so, life is pretty miserable. i have an analogy for you, but i've decided to write it as a poem. so maybe that'll be written/posted soon-ish.
also! dunno if i told you this, but i have a deviantART up! so check it out:
ta, for now
-The OxyG
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Woodstock, Illinois = WTF
anyways, so, i have been moved up to Woodstock, and my mother is getting remarried, and I am warming up to living here as long as i get to stay out of the house most of the time. i'm not happy about being moved here....but i'm happy even tho i'm here, because of my friends. does that makes sense? no? go fuck yourself.
weather report: i feel like i should be out trick or treating. this shit is GAY - strike that. it's so uncool that it's fucking heterosexual. LOL. but oh my dark lord, i swear, it feels like October/November does in ATL.
on another topic, 9 and Alice in Wonderland look like the SHIT. of course, anything with even just Tim Burton's pinky toe in it has some level of amazingness to it. xD and Alan Rickman as the Caterpillar?! -head esplodes- like WOW. the Cheshire Cat is gonna have a bitching voice. Stephen Fry does the i'm thinking a very British and snarky version of "Amercan McGee's Alice" sorta Chesh. and OF COURSE, Johnny Depp will be AMAZING as the Mad Hatter. and Helena Bonham Carter! WOOT WOOT!
hummmmm....OH! i have Glass/Metal/Jewelry Art (GMJArt for short) and Drawing/Printmaking Art (Drawing for short, lol) classes with two awesome art teachers.....both at the very end of the day.
and speaking of end of the day, i feel so weird having all my classes everyday. cos NAHS has A Day and B Day, and so you have 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, and 1B, 2B, 3B, 4B classes....switching every other day. it feels WEIRD to have 8 classes a day again. O_O
anywhoozizzle.....RAMBLING. like i usually do.
....god i'm fucking cold. >.< i need mah friends to cuddle me to warmth! and to close the window. lol
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
MAH HURRRRR (my hair)

but DAYUM. that shit will sting your eyes and nose and you will NEVER forget what that fucking smells like! like, *shudders* my eyes are still stinging...but hey, the things we do to hide. :P
anywhoozle, gonna check in with the rest of my people :D
moving times
but, mom has given me slight motivation. if we haul ass then i'll get money and/or a party....hopefully "and" lol. so that would be pretty bitching. especially if i can get this hairdye thing to work. cross your fingers and hope for blonde, not orange! lol
anyways, i'm bored OUT. OF. MY. MIND. at least i can use the "get the fuck outta the house" time to gather up unwanted clothes and shit and sell them....doesn't Plato buy clothes? you know, Plato, the teen thrift store? anyways....yeah
Sunday, June 14, 2009
I got my mad rad hair!!!!
anyways, yes, looking to do my hair blonde. it'll be a drag if i have to have my roots stay brown. *sighs*
so, also thinking about what clothes, toys, etc. i can sell for some money. i need some new clothes. *ponders*
anywhoozizzle, ttyl
:O The Umbrella Academy as a show on Cartoon Network? In my dreams - LITERALLY!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Can You Feel This?

Music is my love
Music is my favorite drug
Music is my only love
Music is my favorite drug
Music I've fallen in love
Music is my favorite drug
Music I've fallen in love
I got my milkshake
And I'm doing real well
Can't you tell! can't you tell!
Cuz I'm texting on my cell
Cuz I ahhhh ahhhhh
And your blahhh blahhh
Cuz I'm restitched
You can talk
You stupid tricks
You're the ones
Who'll buy my shit
Snap! snap! make this club clap
Dear mate to the soul
I've lost control
I'm breaking the scene
And this stupid routine
I've taken the pills
Giving in to thrills
Save the rave
Gotta dance the pain away!
I fell in love with the girl
At the dance club
She said what! as I'm kicking
Up the party drugs
She's so rad with her
Pin up stilettos
Pop lock
Bodies rock
Turn up
That speaker box
Bang! bang! dannng
Shoot em up
Shoot up this place
I'm with this
This sickness
So fictitious
Can you feel this?
Can you feel this?
Dear mate to the soul
I've lost control
I'm breaking the scene
And this stupid routine
I've taken the pills
Giving in to thrills
Save the rave
Gotta dance the pain away!
We gotta dance
Dance the pain away
We gotta dance
Dance the pain away
We got to!
We have to!
Monday, June 1, 2009
long time no post...again.
anywhoozle, i added a game down at the bottom of the page - it's REALLY fun. no real point, of course, but you know. and i'll be adding another, WAY more fun game later. you shoot hedgehogs into SPACE :O. fav online stupid game ever. no joke.
anyways, i'm thirsty, but too scared of rabies people and the grudge and resident evil to come popping out of dark places to go get a damn coke. yes, i'm a total wuss.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
wow, long time no post
it's WAY too hot in this house. i'm gonna fucking kill my mom. it's so hot the only way to stay cool is be NAKED - but even then i'm still TOO HOT
too cold at dad's, too hot at mom's....WTF. y'know what? let's go to ashton's. then it doesn't matter cos i'm with him. LOL.
Friday, May 15, 2009
just finished part one of my Arabic final - which i totally failed. i don't even have to go and see my grade. i know i failed. >.<
i need to take Health online over the summer. for realz. *rolls eyes*
i should go get my music and chill....i'm too far gone to care anymore...WOW that's great lyrics. *starts writing song in head*
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
cept the 80's might've been fun....WEIRD SCIENCE! *starts dancing to Oingo Boingo*
bah, so hungry. i can't wait for lunch...which is in....30 FUCKING MINUTES. damn *head-desk*
as per usual, i am seated in World History.
i need to get my schedule for next year. >.< i KNOW they fucked something up. i KNOW it. and i can drop health, and take it online. *shudders* i hate health. not because we have to learn about STDs, just the WAY we have to. cos teachers think that the scare tactic way is gonna keep us from fucking each other. for real? that just makes us wanna rebel. i mean, seriously, if you say ABSTINENCE ONLY kids go FUCK YOU. if you say "this is sex, and the consequences of unprotected sex when you're too young to support a family, and might get a disease. and THIS IS A CONDOM. have safe sex." and kids go "wow, awesome....i don't feel the need to go get knocked up anymore. :D"
lol. anyways, i can drop health and get out of arabic, unless i failed this semester. and then that means....4 ART CLASSES! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! oh yeah, this is goooooooooooooooooooooood.
does anyone know how to make a flash animation???? cos that'd be really cool if you could teach me. lol.
urgh....something smells like wet dog in here. that's so gross. wtf smells like wet dog in a school?! gross gross gross.
i'm so damn boreddddddddddddddddddddddddddd.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
i can't trust anyone anymore. for real. not my mom, not my family, not my "uncle" or anyone. just Ashton and Olivia and Blaine and Austin. not even Ariel really, and that makes me sad.
because everyone looks at me and says "you're too young" "you're so overdramatic" "you don't understand" "you think you know everything, but you don't" and all this other SHIT. i don't need that. i don't need fucking pessimism in my life. the fucking douche fags.....
i swear to god, i'm gonna run away and live in Olivia or Ashton's closet. for real. i fucking hate living here. you know, i figured it out. i don't sleep well in my bed at my mom's or at my gma's, but i can sleep for HOURS on end and feel extremely rested when at my dad's. why? cos it's not poisoned with BULLSHIT. i need a place to sleep where i can know i'm not gonna wake up and get yelled at for being a lazy douche bag or whatever. i mean, during the summer at my dad's he couldn't give less of a fuck that i'm fucking nocturnal - he understands. and being nocturnal at my mom's makes life better....i don't have to deal with her or cassidy. and my gma's house is....unsettling. i don't like it. it's really big and creepy....i don't think i could live in a mansion.
but anyways.....i'm bout ready to slit my throat, or someone else's. i don't wanna go to school unless i get to hang with Olivia and Blaine and Austin....and Jordan (Austin's gf). she's nice. i fucking hate my life. i wonder if i could take my final tests (not finals, but the final test we get in class) early and then spend the last week in the art room. i feel so much better just stepping into that room. it's nothing but amazingness.
on the topic of art and summer, apparently there's an art camp up near my other gma's house, in Carlisle, PA. and she's gonna see about enrolling me into that and/or this horse riding camp. :D something to look forward to....hahahaha, i can't wait for the art camp. i bet that i'll be the only one who knows more than half of what we'll do/what it's called. xD because Mrs. Brandhorst is fucking awesome. she's a BAMF (Bad Ass Mother Fucker). i'm gonna tell her that tomorrow. xDDDDD
well, i feel better now that i've vented. =] too bad more people don't read this. =[ it makes me very sad.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
BORED. that's a lot of "m"s :D
i'm tired all the time too. >.< it's pissing me off. i could sleep for a whole 24 hrs and still be tired as CRAP. and then i could get 2 hrs of sleep and still feel the same level of CRAP. GAYYYY.
engh....oh well. ohhhh....i have an episode of CSI: NY waiting for me. xD
heh....i'm depressed. again.
gawd....i'm so pissed right now. SO FUCKING PISSED. i'm gonna kill somebody. for realz. *head-desk and shoots self* jesus christ.....
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
i'm so very bored....
so....i have nothing to blog about. why am i even here?! LOL
Screaming Dreams (a song i wrote)
Lay there with your hair all perfect
Eyes glowing
Lips speaking
But I can't hear because I'm screaming
Holding my breath so I don't
Wake up
Because I never wanna wake up
If I'm never gonna see you again
I never wanna stop dreaming
But I can't stop screaming
Holding you close
But you're not there
Clawing at my chest to get my beating heart
Make it stop hurting
Make it stop bleeding
Make it stop screaming
Because I never wanna wake up
If I'm never gonna see you again
I never wanna stop dreaming
But I can't stop screaming
If dreaming
Will take me where I wanna be
Then I will sleep
Because I never wanna wake up
If I'm never gonna see you again
I never wanna stop dreaming
But I can't stop screaming
I never (Never wanna wake up)
If I never see you again (Ever again)
I never (Always wanna dream)
Stop this screaming!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Day of Sadness
unfortunately, i expect my spirits to drop the instant i wake up tomorrow - since i won't have contact with Ash for all of school. >_< it makes me a very unhappy Chinah.
anyways......i've got a vlog video in the process of, i'll give ya the link once i've finished it and put it up on YouTube.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Parry Gripp
Friday, May 1, 2009
anyways, you guys like "Fairy Tale"? i wrote it last night around like......midnight or 1am...idk. lol =P
AAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNDDDDDDD! i finally found a good subject to jumpstart my vlog with: THE SWINE FLU!!!!!!!! *runs around screaming head off like the apocalypse is coming*
SERIOUSLY people! the regular flu kills people too, but no one is freaking the fuck out about THAT one! jesus, everytime something new pops up the gov. and media feel the need to scare the living fuck out of us. why? idk. if this was like "Quarantine" or some new huge AIDS epidemic or like "The Andromeda Strain" i'd believe there was a plausible reason to scare the fuck out of people. but it's just a flu - some people will die. we all die one day, so get used to the damn idea.
now, for something completely different....the bell rang. good thing too, cos this keyboard is uber dusty and fucking with my OCD......
Fairy Tale
Of morphine laced lips
Melt the pain away
While ocean tossed orbs
Sit like shining pearls
In beach tanned smooth skin
Forest of withered savanna
Tossed in the wind
And sigh in the sky
A cage of zen
Long and ever soft
Gentle and firm
Dog nuzzles
Cat scratches
Vampire kisses
Skipping free through the waves
And flying high upon rainclouds
Or laying beneath burnt moonlight
Always and forever
I can find my moving castle
And slumber happily
Thursday, April 30, 2009
le sigh le sigh
this is how much i love MCR. LOL. xD i still needs to make Ray and Bob and Frankie somfin....*ponders* hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........................................
.........that's a lot of dots. LOL.
i'm bored. and sorta depressedly/angrily hyper - meaning one small thing goes wrong and i can drop like a stone in water from hyper to either super depressed or super pissed. =O i know, i'm weird.
what else to talk about....*think think think* OH! omg, i swear to god Winnie the Pooh is cartoon promotion for nudity. if you're gonna give one of them a shirt, give them ALL a FULL set of clothes dammit! jeeeeezzzz
lol, anyways. *rolls eyes* i need an actual life. and that, in itself, is the funniest joke ever. LOL
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
what the hell is wrong with my world
but that doesn't make me love Mibba and those readers who care any less. i love how nice people are there. thank you, "Lullaby." and "Pfft" - you guys made my day.
I am only living out a lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well...i took a huge leap yesterday and fell flat on my face. i told my mom that i had lied and that my boyfriend and i had had sex before. and she just looks at me and says "thanks for telling me" - which is her way of rejection.
so, i'm an emotional wreck, because of my gay ass mom, and being 300 miles away from my boyfriend, and the only people who really seem to listen/care/be my friends at school are Olivia and Blaine. WTF.
anyways, i've been a lazy, depressed mofo, and haven't updated my blog, or stories, or my other blog (with my artwork). and i feel horrible. *grimaces* i stayed home today, and slept all day and i still feel horrible and like i havent gotten any sleep. *rubs face*
i'm just waiting for the day when i just break down and bawl my eyes out at school. or break down and do something stupid and break the vows i cut myself or something. gay....
any comments would be appreciated, as long as they aren't telling me i'm just a teenager and there are others out there that have it worse than i do. i get that enough from "friends". so if you've got ANYTHING negative to say, GTFO.
and go check out my art gallery:
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Hear the sound, the angels come screaming down
sorry, it popped in my head and i decided to write it down. back to my yaoi ^w^
YAOI TIME???!?!?!!!!
also, i figured out why i'm so emotional. r_r i'm on my period. I FUCKING HATE BEING A CHICK. *bites pillow and rips to shreds*
GAH! anyways. i'm bored out of my mind. and going to go read LxLight yaoi on FanFiction.Net (FFN) and set up a new GaiaOnline account....i sorta miss it. but i know once i get on that all the cool people i met aren't on there anymore. all of them are shit fucks these days...but it's a nostalgic place, since that's where Ashton and I met for the second time, but thoguht it was the first LOL
Saturday, April 25, 2009
"Sunday I cried all night...."
'scuse me while i go ponder ways to kill myself.
i love how no one reads this. i wonder if i did kill myself if they'd even think about reading my blog to see if the reason i killed myself is on here....i'm not gonna do it of course, but that doesn't mean i can't try to think of a quick, painless, and not messy way to commit suicide, you know?
cos blowing your brains out = quick but leaves a mess for your friends and relatives. hanging yourself means you have to do it exactly right or you'll die painfully from suffocation instead of a snapped neck. cutting your wrists means slow, painful AND messy. so, i just need to find something that's all the positive sides of suicide....haha, i'm gonna write a song called "The Positive Side of Suicide". you just wait; when i'm a rockstar i'll be singing that song. =]
music does wonders.....and people wonder why emos love it...*rolls eyes*
Friday, April 24, 2009
100th POST! WOOT! lol
and, i have a new blog. <---i'll be posting art work of mine soon - mainly new, and a few of my favs from ye olde days. lawlzy.
i still need to think of how to start off my VLog. it would feel awkward just jumping into the world....but i guess i just have to do that. =\ should i become YouTube famous no one will watch the very first, except the obsessed fans. LOL
speaking of obsessing, I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT MCR ALBUM! =] eet makes meh happeh. and Gerard and Lyn-Z's baby is going to be the cutest and most spoiled baby on earth. lol.
Olivia and i are going to like, Bedazzle some gansta hats and bibs....we're making one bib where it'll have blood splattered across it and it says "What you lookin' at, PUNK?" LOL!
*sigh* sitting in World History. =\ it's a boring day - we were watching a movie and then some lady came and pulled half the class (5 kids - yeah, our class has 10 and now we're waiting for them to come back. >.<
ohhhhhhhhh, guess what? like, Tuesday? i think? idk. anyways, this little white dog was walking in the middle if the road and my mom picked him up. he has a collar but no tag and is a Maltese (sp?). he's adorable. and very nice.
i wonder why no one reads my blog. it's like my online diary....out there for everyone....and no one reads it. GAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY. lawlzy
doom de de doom doom.
yeah, i'm bored.
anywhozizzle, gonna go post a quick thing on my Gallery. =]
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
REPO! The Genetic Opera
Paris, you ALWAYS look like a crime scene...the kind you'd find in a back alley of Vegas. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
anywhozizzle, "Repo! The Genetic Opera" was AMAZING! it has the guy who played Giles (or Jiles? idk) in "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" (the series). and Alexa Vega ("Spy Kids" Carmen), and Sarah Brightman (if you haven't heard her sing you've not lived. she is a GODDESS).
oh god, i cried. the movie is amazing - BUT NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH. it's directed (i think, or produced) by the guy/people that brought us Saw. so, yeah, def gots teh blood and gore.
"Repo!" is set in the middle of the 21st century, where an epidemic of organ failure sweeps the world. and out of the tragedy rises GeneCo. they can help you cheat death, by giving you new organs. but fail to make a payment and the Repo Man will come and repossess your life.
=O insanely dark and gothic....I LOVE IT.
anyway i have to go to bed now. mom's bitching at me about how evil i am to myself for not going to bed right after i've seen this amazing movie. i've been living with her for 16 goddamn years and she still doesn't get that i can't just leave it at that. i HAVE to tell someone and gush about it and praise it. or totally put it down. either one.
anywhoozle, ttyl.
Def gotta get a VLog going. you know?!
the only problem is that my house is a very dim place. not in the eyes of the human, but in the eyes of my shitty camera. >.< so if anything's not blindingly bright it won't show up very well....GAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY. LOL.
anywhoozzle, watching YouTube!
New Blog? A Vlog?
and i'm thinking about starting a vlog too. on YouTube.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
YouTube videos - Matt is the Geek in the Pink (warning, yaoi/gay content) - MattxMello (meaning a Matt and Mello pairing) to a cover of Britney Spear's Toxic. (warning, yaoi content) - MattxMello to Le Disko by Shiny Toy Guns (warning, yaoi content) - MattxMelloxNear to Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake
You fucking Snitch...
hahahahaha, so random. but i love it. Harry's cameo..."You fucking Snitch..."
anywhozizzle, do you know what i found out today? sxephil lives in Atlanta too! =O i know right?! he's awesome. love the Phillip DeFranco show. xD
now, i have a it illegal to stalk a YouTube famous person?! lawlzy. anyways, if you don't know who i'm talking about, check out both his channels on YT:
i've come to believe that people in Atlanta are very blunt and to the myself. and my friends. and sxephil.
in other news, i took a break from internet society these past few days. it felt sorta....refreshing. but, i found that my lack of ability to sleep/sleep itself has nothing to do with staying n the internet until 2 am on a school night....every school night. so, i still can't sleep. GAY.
speaking of gays, Day of Silence was last Friday (April 17, 2009). Day of Silence was a day where you were silent...of course. but the silence was to bring awareness to others that LGBT (lesbian gay bi transgender) teens are afraid to be proud of their sexuality because of the harassment and abuse against them. and you didn't have to be LGBT to participate and show your support.
and now dinner is ready. *salutes* off to melt my brain with the boob tube (television for those not savvy with old fart lingo - LAWLZY).
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Six Flags: More Flags, Pretty Shitty Fun
i went to Six Flags yesterday. also awesome.
i arrived at 3:00 pm. we parked, walked to the entrance, and got in line. by the time we got in it was 4:30 or 4:30. so, we immediately went and stood in line for The Mind Bender in Gotham City. we spent 2 goddamn hours in line, rode it, and tried our luck for the Goliath. the park closed at 8:00 pm. by the time we got through the line, on and then off the ride, and out to the car, it was 9:00 fucking pm.
lesson learned: just fucking skip school to go to Six Flags. totally worth it. Spring Break + Six Flags = NO FUN
Thursday, April 9, 2009
what's new
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The Catcher In The Rye
Friday, April 3, 2009
and speaking of YouTube, i recently recorded five shoot of me lip syncing "Cemetery Drive" by MCR....let's see how awesome or failing my editing skills are to make this musc video. and if i even did anything right.
i felt weird taping some of the shoots. some people were around to hear me sing and watch me dance and shit....awkward. but i have to get used to it, if i want to be lead singer in a band! O_O but it was exhilarating. and funny. the one guy out there watching me the whole time looked like he didn't know whether to compliment me or be freaking out. lol. in the end he just watching me and smoked. LOL.
so, yeah, hmmm....i need MORE music on this damn playlist. >.<
OH! and it's Spring Break! YAY!
Monday, March 30, 2009
i totally need an FML does Austin, since he says it 24/7 LOL
World History again
anyhoo. hummm....idk if i said anything about the party on Saturday....probably. but yeah. pretty shitty. DJ kept playing songs from the 80s and saying they were from the 70s. LAWLZ.
Sunday was ok. i started a new story...AGAIN. i epically FAIL at writing online these days. ever since i wrote my baby, "Come Angels Of Unknown," and never got to finish it because my account was terminated, i can't ever get past the first few chapters. CAOU was my BABY! *cries* it was 20+ chapters long, and was going to go on for many many more! and they shut me down cos i stood up for a writer who was getting horribly verbally abused. WTF! sure, i used extremely COLORFUL language, but i was standing up for this girl who was getting flamed for no reason other than the subject matter and a grammar/spelling error here and there. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE SUBJECT DONT FUCKING READ IT!!!! BAH! people like that always piss me off. ugh.
*rolls eyes* but, i can't get too mad. the happy pills i'm taking make me get a headache if i start getting overly angry/violent or depressed. i assume it's from the chemicals from the happy pills conflicting with the chemicals my brain starts producing when i start thinking negative things. =\
i love the =\ face. i make it in real life. LOL. i try to make my little smiley's match my real facial features. like ^w^ (which, in my opinion, is very similar to =3 - or :3 - and x3 ).
back to work for WH. cos apparently i was just the first person done. LOL.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Wake Up by Arcade Fire
meh.....bored outta my mind
Saturday, March 28, 2009
lame as HELL party and "W."
Girl Talk
Friday, March 27, 2009
Inside all of us is a WILD THING
ain't got no muse
*yawns* i should prolly go to sleep...12:15 am here.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
and love you the very most
if i were always there for you
and gave you kisses always too
if i were perfect and demure
and had a shining allure
would you still love me?
if i fell into drugs
and hardly gave you hugs
if i sold everything
and even our ring
if i owed too much money
and never thought that you were funny
if i said I HATE YOU too many times
and told you way too many lies
would you still love me?
if i began to laugh and kill
and do what i will
if i began to cut and hurt
and in the early shadows lurk
if i cut off your fingers and your toes
and your arms and legs and ears and nose
if i branded my name into your skin
and starved you until you were much too thin
if i screamed abuse into your crying face
and choked you off with thin black lace
would you still love me?
no matter what
would you still love me?
*takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly*
and since i'm actually going to school today something's bound to depress me. wish me luck, my imaginary friends.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Such a fuck-up
somehow i manage to fuck everything good in my life up. it's so gay. i hate myself sometimes. i really do.
Intentional Insanity
*sighs* well, in any case, i'm too depressed to think about much. i feel like i'm gonna puke....
Happy Pills
and just as i'm sitting here wondering if it would work, since most OTC (over the counter) meds don't work on me, my arms got really light feeling and my head got lighter.
and so....i'm sitting with a giant top hat from Party City on my head. it's a badass hat too...wore it for my Malice in Wonderland costume.... xD
hmmmmmmmmmmm....i still don't think it's fully kicked in. we'll see.
College Emails
my art teacher gleefully swinging on the swing we hung from the rafters over the stage...and scaring the living shit out of us as the lights started rocking back and forth and creaking....omg.
Mr. Blain Dollar...yes, that's his real last name. but he goes as Blaine Cambell (Campbell? whatever...not his real name lol) so people STFU. lol. but he's a really cool and funny guy to hang with. xD
half of the diner scene. we created these 8ft by 8ft by...2ft? i think...anyways, these walls, with casters (those little wheels on rolling desks and stuff...yeah, those are casters) that rotate 360 degrees for easy mobility. =]
xD! i love painting this! mainly cos i got to color in "RYDELL SUCKS"....and it's for the play. oh, it makes me so happy. xD
yeah....that's really gay in my opinion....but whatever. i had fun sketching and painting the letters, even tho it's a gay font. HAHAHAHA, you can see someone swinging behind it. LAWLZ
And, this is my art teacher, Mrs. Brandhorst (not Brandhorse!!!! you say the damn "t"! lol) - she's the one in the swing - and then a classmate, Hailey. i think that's how you spell her name....>_>
hahahaha, i know someone who has a crush on her....*giggles*
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
New Layout
Monday, March 23, 2009
RE: how to stay brutal at the happiest place on earth....

hahahaha, this is what happens when you become addicted to Twitter...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
need sleep, need sleep, but in a serious writing mood X_X
anywho, i'm gonna post some of my poetry up on here, so you lovely non-existent readers can read it. LAWLZ
and i even put up cool as hell music. YOU'RE WELCOME YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTERDS.
home alone...and yet i can't think of anything to do. wow
anyways, if you've got a Twitter, i'm on there. i'm following only 7 people right now....and you can guess 5 of them! lol. yeah....i'm bored as hell....
maybe i'll get on IMVU...yeah....
Saturday, March 21, 2009
it was pretty lame 'cept for the fact that i met most of my lil sis's friends - who had been scared half to death of me by her rumors! *rolls eyes* i swear, she tells them i eat little 7th graders for breakfast! >.< but yeah, i seem to be a big hit with the young kids...all the time. idk if that's good or bad.....
BUT! i went as Alice Cullen. xD i looked pretty fiiiiiiiine. lol. straightened and flipped my hair like hers, and dressed for teh part. but unfortunately Twilight isn't big like Harry Potter, so there were lame ass contests and stoooooopid questions...and no costume contest. GAAAAAY. i so would've won. lawlz. tho my hair wanted to be limp instead of flippy, dammit. >_<
anyways...yeah...been pondering things and blah blah blah....hopefully going over to Olivia's later today....when everyone's awake. LOL. maybe i'll snitch Twilight and sneak it to Olivia's to watch. xDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha, and torture Alyvia. because apparently, she hates MCR and Twilight. i was like WTF?! how can you hate BOTH of those?! but she doesn't like Gerard's singing (which is reasonable) and hates Twilight for its popularity (which is NOT reasonable!). really....i don't think she's read it. Ariel didn't read it and hated it, but once i played the soundtrack and blabbed non-stop about it she finally said STFU and give me the damn book! and so i did. and now she's just as obsessed. which makes me happy to be a Twilight evangelist. LAWLZ. aaaaaaaaaaaaanywhooooooo....bored. sorta tired. mostly bored. and listening to MUSIC. MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
*lopes away as an evil giraffe*
Friday, March 20, 2009
L. Arts again
anyhooo........bored. wanted to add an entry. *rolls eyes* i'm turning into Gerard...always blogging. lol jk, i love Gerard. xD
Thursday, March 19, 2009
bored as HELL.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! (say it Brit Punk style, like that freaky broccoli guy from that Raisins show!)

hahahaha! while browsing Google Images for "Young Frankenstein" (which is, btw an AMAZINGLY hilarious movie!) pictures, Olivia and I came across this picture off the Shannon's blog (here on Blogspot too!) hahaha, so the little kid's face is the Shannon baby. lol. "Abby Normal"!
amazingly cute picture of Gerard. =] lol, i've never seen that face before. i wonder what he was doing...O_o lol

so, enough of MCR. not everyone loves them as much as i do (as i'm told by many of my Sara...who will promptly launch into a fangirl rant on Curt Cobain and how she'd be stalking his son if he had know, at least my guys aren't dead...and i don't wanna stalk them. >_> or their kids. that would be awkward...and Worm would probably smush me. LOL!)
LoVe iS NoT LiKe aNyTh!nG, eSpEc!aLlY A FuCk!Ng kNiFe
i recently found out from a friend why MCR and The Used never talk anymore. when Gerard was still drinking, he and Bert McCracken (sp?) were drinking buds. but then Gerard got sober and tried to get Bert to get sober too - like any friend would/should. and, i don't know if it took days of coaxing from Gerard or just one statement, but Bert bit Gerard's head off and said he was a pussy for going sober. r_r they say they don't hate each other and they're friends...but they've both been avoiding Warped Tour and never contact each other.
=\ i love The Used, but not Bert. if that makes sense. which it should, because he's not a good friend if he chews someone out about being healthy. >.< i mean, Erik is super healthy and eats freaking rabbit food everyday, and tells me i should too, but i'm not gonna bitch out on his ass about it. *rolls eyes* grrr.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Language Arts Hell
not the subject, though. the teacher and the students.
now, i'm not saying i'm perfect - hell no. but i am way better than half of them.
and the teacher? jesus christ, she couldn't handle a pair of mute kindergardeners! she really needs to go take some classes on how to handle a class of teens. or just teach elementary kids. really.
i'm very displeased with this year's turn out of teachers for me.
Chemistry: he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing. he's been giving us equations to balance that are incorrect, and when i asked for a better understanding on just how deadly and radioactive pure thallium is, he began to ramble on about how OXYGEN is deadly. my theory is that the school is too damn cheap to pay for an actual Chemistry teacher AND a football coach. and this is a fucking science magnet school, god dammit!
Algebra II: she doesn't know how to explain the math in easy terms for us to understand. but other than that she's a great teacher.
10th Grade Lit/Comp: she doesn't know how to handle the students or teach effectively, and so no one knows what the hell they're doing.
the only core classes with decent teachers that i have are Algebra and World History. my other four classes consist of Arabic and 3 art classes (with the same art teacher, since we only have one). so, 1/2 of my absolutely needed classes are for SHIT! i fucking hate this school.
"Medicated, I'm contemplating
Packing it up
And going somewhere new"
Medicated, I'm Contemplating...
i'm in Chemistry. been locked in this hell hole for the past two hours (since i arrived 30 min late and i have another 30 min to go). *groans*
anyways, been listening to Sounds of Summer Vol 2 (a free mix CD off the internet that gives you songs from up and coming bands), and my favorites of the moment are:
1. Livin' Th' Dream by You, Me, and Everyone We Know
2. Sleep, Everyone by Powerspace
3. Home Is A Heartache by Honor Bright
4. Medicated by National Product
5. Rock, Shock and Load by Thee Armada
6. Parker by Automatic Loveletter
7. A Certain Kind Of Touch by Breathe Electric
8. Level Of Doubt by Vital Light
9. Where Were You? by Every Avenue
this is a long post, cos i'm gonna post up the lyrics for each of the above songs. so, if one interests you, just scroll to the number. =]
1. Livin' Th' Dream by You, Me, and Everyone We Know
Yesterday I turned twenty-three
The date didn't mean that much to me
Then I started adding figures up in my head
It seems the cost of dreaming has left me in the red.
Because of alcohol I've shared sixteen beds
There's a five year reunion hangin' over my head
At least eleven-thousand people think I'm something I'm not
The courage to let them down isn't something I've still got.
Sometimes I wanna cheat but I don't
I wanna quit but I won't
'Cause I made this bed
Give me a shovel you'll be amazed
At how fast I dig a grave
Baby just, lay in it.
You're only brave 'til you're scared
You're only unique until compared
To every other worthless fuck trying to
Crawl into bed tonight.
You can't afford to live like this (Yes we can, yes we can)
You can't be dumb enough to dream so big (Yes we can, yes we can)
Yeah we'll sail through the sleazy seas
Past all the casting couches, rug burned knees
No I'm not done yet, you know I'm only getting started.
You can't afford to live like this
You can't be dumb enough to dream so big.
Yeah we'll sail through the sleazy seas
Past all the casting couches, rug burned knees
No I'm not done yet.
You can't afford to live like this (Yes we can, yes we can)
You can't be dumb enough to dream so big (Yes we can, yes we can)
Yeah we'll sail through the sleazy seas
Past all the casting couches, rug burned knees
No I'm not done yet, you know I'm only getting started.
2. Sleep, Everyone by Powerspace
With so little sleep
At least you'd think I'd find some peace in my dreams
In my dreams
But my mind still winds up on the same thing
The same scene
The same themes
Cause it's all stuck in my subconscious
Built up from every day
So I'm stuck with these nightmares
Where you're gone and so far away
And when I wake up
I realize that everything's still wrong
I'm still here and you're still gone
It's not fair
Cause either way I spin it
Separation seems so wrong
These breaks are far too long for me
Hours and hours
I'm stuck inside this place and this town
And you're gone
Far away, you're fighting for your life all alone
I want to wake up and go home
Cause it's all stuck in my subconscious
Built up from every day
So I'm stuck with these nightmares
Where you're gone and far away
Oh, this tortures me so much that
I get sick and I throw up
In my dream and here on my bed
It's messed up how it's all in my head
Yet it's affecting me oh so bad
I guess this distance just makes me sick
Cause when I wake up
It's 4 AM and I'm still all alone
Your message on my phone
Don't tell me that sleeping through the night
Is never this hard when you're home
Cause I already know
Wake me
3. Home Is A Heartache by Honor Bright
Last night I said too much but your still
Here so I'm doing something right.
So can I apologize?
I'll make this up to you somehow. {x2}
This time I, I made a mistake
I'm man enough to admit
I wrong this time. With loaded
Eyes baby you look beautiful tonight.
(Don't Gamble with my heart)
Have you heard anything about me?
You can see it in my eyes
Be better off alone
I'll get over this just
Give it time. You know I'll
Comeback to you, always
Comeback to you.
Been dying to tell you I've been
Yours since day one.{x2}
If distance makes the heart grow
Stronger. You'll never
lose me when I am gone.
(Lose me when i am gone){x2}
With loaded
Eyes baby you look beautiful tonight.
Have you heard anything about me?
You can see it in my eyes
Be better off alone
I'll get over this just
Give it time. You know I'll
Comeback to you, always
Comeback to you back to you.
(GO! )
I hate it when this home
Becomes a heartache.
I hate it when this home
(With loaded eyes)
Becomes a heartache.
(Baby you look beautiful tonight.)
I hate it when this home
(With loaded eyes)
Becomes a heartache.
(Baby you look beautiful
Tonight comeback to you){x2}
I hate it when this home
(With loaded eyes)
Becomes a heartache.
(Baby you look beautiful tonight.)
4. Medicated by National Product
I lie awake for days end
Black satin above
And nice blood red sheets
I've tried but to no success
Can I close my eyes
And get some rest
And he said
It'll be alright
If you just learn to close your eyes
It's not the taste you're gonna like
It's the feeling that you get
When you start to forget and you're
Medicated, I'm contemplating
Packing it up
And going somewhere else
They'll never call out
My name and
Somewhere far
Where I don't think they care much there
And I'd love to wake up with myself
Maybe that will creep me out enough
To see who the hell I really am
Sometimes I forget
And you can bet that I'm
Medicated, I'm contemplating
Packing it up
And going somewhere else
They'll never call out
My name and
Somewhere far
Where I don't think they care much there
And maybe this will help me
Get some rest
And maybe she will help me
Sleep a little better
And maybe he will help me
Think a little clearer now
And maybe this isn't what is best
Maybe this is what the doctor ordered
So I'll have another
Medicated, I'm contemplating
Packing it up
And going somewhere else
They'll never call out
My name and
Somewhere far
Where I don't think they care much there
Medicated, I'm contemplating
Packing it up
And going somewhere else
They'll never call out
My name and
Somewhere far
Where I don't think they care much there
Where I don't think they care much there
Where I don't think they care much there
Where I don't think they care much there
And I don't think they care much there
5. Rock, Shock and Load by Thee Armada
his is a story about some boys from Texas!
Who know how to get down
And you know we'll be the life of the party
So lets get this started now
The stories we would say when we were young
believing everything would be okay
Fighting off those whose who said we were wrong
we're gonna make it some day
And no matter where we go
you hear them singing
This is How we do it where we come from
Just get into it (HEY!)
Or move along
Iv'e got two barrels full with six shots each
Only the finest at my side
weather is hot as hades, like our southern ladies
where everythings bigger and everything lasts all night
we get down until the sun comes up!
This is How we do it where we come from
Just get into it (HEY!)
Or move along
Just move along
oh move along
Just move along
move along
6. Parker by Automatic Loveletter
I was your fire once
you thought of me as your one true love
i got so mad
said things that later I would regret and regret and regret
holding onto my chest and pounding till it turns purple
a breaking bow and the sound of a scream muffled by pillows
so dont so long
and dont farewell
hear me out now i've just begun to say
do you remember
how i carried your heart
and i carried it far
and i know
that theres no one to blame
its a sure given shame of my own
that you dont..
sworn off blue lips
kiss them warm
with love comes deep dark red
and paper cuts
from letters i re-write explaining how to fall in love
well pictures inspire and songs never tire
and there's always clouds to float upon
saving me best for last
down for keeps up for grabs
we'll play stop and go
but it feels just like freeze tag
so ill see you right
applaud and encore
ill be braver just you wait here till i say
do you remember
how i carried your heart
and i carried it far
and i know
that theres no one to blame
its a sure shame of my own
im naked once so dont think twice
hold on
its hard enough to bite my shy
hold on
hold on
hold tight
do you remember
how i carried your heart
and i carried it far
do you remember
how i carried your heart
and i carried it far
and i know
that theres no one to blame
its a sure given shame of my own
of my own
of my own
its a sure shame of my own
that you dont that you wont remember
7. A Certain Kind Of Touch by Breathe Electric
We've gotta get out of this place, she said
and fallow our hearts to content, she said
i want it all, but there's nothing you can do to stop me
and oh my god, they said in wonderment
oh my god, the way you look tonight
and this could be the way for us to change
this could be, this could be
the way for us to change
i can feel my breath growing faster
i think this could be the right time
let's call out all our fears right now
and open hearts with clear content
we know, it's all about the way it comes out
of your mouth and mind
and oh my god, i think it's happening
oh my god, the way you look tonight
and this could be the way for us to change
i need you more now, than ever
this could be the right time to change
8. Level Of Doubt by Vital Light
(none could be found easliy - will post later)
9. Where Were You? by Every Avenue
Home for the weekend,
Looking for a good time;
Of all the numbers you end up calling mine.
Ready or not , I think I’ll give this a shot.
I should know better than to
Give her what she wants.
I picked her up and she was three-forths gone.
She passed out before we even got to talk.
All I want to know is:
Where were you when I needed you most?
Why did you leave me alone?
We gave up before we gave it a chance,
And I don’t understand.
Back to where we left off, baby.
“How you been and what’s been new with you lately?”
Just forget it, it’s the same old runaround.
You build me up just to let me down.
Where were you when I needed you most?
Why did you leave me alone?
We gave up before we gave it a chance,
And I don’t understand.
Just forget it, it’s the same old runaround,
Just forget it, just forget it.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
RE: This Is Why You're Fat... posted by Ray on Mar 14, 2009 5:37pm
yet....a few things look good.... r_r
Rapist House
then, last week, i was at her house playing outside when the boys (her brothers and their guy friends) came up to Olivia, Alyvia and me and pointed out this really sketchy guy sitting IN the bushes - not behind, IN - eating McDonald's and watching us all (the complex is next door to a McD's). he was white, wearing a light blue shirt, and chubby. and he sat there eating - or "eating" - for at least one hour.
and just the other day, Thursday, Olivia and I walked to the Walgreene's near her house. on the walk back, we saw a pair of neon pink CHILD'S PANTIES on the drive way of this half-boarded up abandoned house. that was sketchy as it was. but then, we saw a white, chubby man wearing a black shirt just walk right through the gate that said, quite clearly, NO TRESPASSING and go into the house. now, this house looks like, death lives in their in the form of mold and rotting wood. so this guy isn't living there or lives there illegally. but the guy looked like the creeper in the bushes, and now i'm freaked out.
maybe i'm overreacting, but what if it's the creeper watching them at night? what if all three incidents are from the same guy? what if he's a fucking rapist?! there were a little girl's panties on the driveway! who drops underwear?! never before, in my entire life living in this big city and going through not so nice places of town, have i seen a pair of girl's panties. and they were like, what an 8 yr old would wear.
so maybe i'm freaking too much. but i'm scared for Livie.
i'm going to be watching that house and that guy carefully from now on. i'm so ready to call the cops. fucking creepers.
Friday, March 13, 2009
RE: Hard at work... posted by Ray on Mar 12, 2009 7:37pm

Thursday, March 12, 2009
RE: Practice-Cam posted by Mikey on Mar 11, 2009 7:43pm
WHAT?! Ray Toro you are one lucky ass bitch! Hendrix was like, THE coolest guitarist of his day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't believe you have his fucking guitar! thank you Mikey, for giving me another reason to envy you guys, besides the hot emo chicks all after you. lol, jk.
but DAYUM.
anyways, been listening to Green Day this whole time, and it makes me feel better. x]
i wish my Arabic teacher would just chill the eff out. he's getting worse each day, and like, always biting my head off. ME. why?! i sit there quietly and - even if i don't understand or zone out - i'm not being a distraction like half the class that never gets reprimanded! and they do as bad a job as i do! so gay. >.<
he's grading the tests right now. ~*rolls eyes*~ he'll call me up to make me watch him correct it, but i already know i failed. i don't need to watch it in a replay. jesus.
Austin is trying to sit on me....LOL
blah....what else to talk about....erm....hummmm....oh i def need more music in my playlist. more of MCR, MSI, Sixx: A.M. and that good stuff. x]
so, my mom's on Facebook now, and apparently so is Alex Grey (Gray? idk). and i have 22 or 24 friends on Facebook cos i deleted everyone who doesn't talk to me on there. still considering deleting more. i haven't even dared to face my MySpace page in at LEAST a month. i don't like MySpace. they have too much shit all over the place. so annoying. plus i'm pissed i know nothing about HTML so i can't pimp my shit. lol
grrrr, half this class annoys the shit outta me. mainly guys. and it doesn't help i am the ONLY Center for the Arts kid in here. >.< gay as hell.
i hate all these sites that we're denied access to. maybe PPP ( isn't blocked, that would be awesome.
anyways, end of entry.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Pranks and Practical Jokes Needed!
today, and tomorrow, and everyday from now on, i really NEED some good (BUT HARMLESS!) pranks and practical jokes! i've already got a few dealing with fake cum (made from a mixture of flour and egg whites), like filling a squirt gun with it and shooting someone in the face (LOL) or buying condoms and filling them with the fake cum and bombing people or letting them sit on one.
so i need lots of funny pranks and practical jokes that are, i said before, TOTALLY HARMLESS. nothing permanent, like acrylic paint or sharpie on clothing (skin is fine since it will come off), or anything that might make too huge a mess. because i don't know enough of these fun things. and try make sure it's nothing that will totally embarrass someone, or drive them to tears. =\ that wouldn't be cool.
"Nighty night..." said Filch in his creepy ass voice
and, speaking of, i'd like to inform everyone of a surprise...SOMETHING...i shall be producing soon. i'm really hoping it will turn out gorgeous. xD
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Gerard smoking header

Monday, March 9, 2009
anyhoo, in World History with Mr. Purnell (i can't remember if it's two "L"s or one...) and we were just reviewing for midterms. YUCK! ~*head-desk*~ i'm so glad i know all this stuff. history is fun if you can add in all the interesting facts. like...
did you know that Mary Shelly (sp?), the writer of Frankenstein, made that book out of a competition between her husband and their male friend? and did you also know that Mary, her husband and that friend were regular threesome lovers? interesting fun stuff!
so, yeah, history is really fun.
i have like, a few more minutes before class ends...and then i have lunch with Olivia!!!! YAY! but i'm so damn tired. i HATE spring daylight savings time. fall is AWESOME (one extra hour of sleep). who came up with these crazy rules anyways?! and why?!
uhhmmm....what else to talk about...oh i have set design later today. =3 i LURVE my art classes. i wonder if you can take online courses for health....because if i did that and pass my arabic class i can have FOUR art classes next year!!!!! YES! and if i take more online classes for my core classes (english, math, history, and science) then i can get even MORE art classes! xD i love the internet.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Mikey and Rorschach
New Header pic

i was looking up some Umbrella Academy stuff when, low and behold, i stumbled across this site: