Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MAH HURRRRR (my hair)

check it out biznitches! my blonde hair! :D total awesomeness, right? and my hair doesn't feel very damaged, but i do plan on taking good care of it. xD
i'll be cutting it soon, and styling it differently. perhaps somewhere down the line i'll add some other colors, like pink and blue. idk. maybe purple!


so, HELLZ YES! i died my hair blonde (ish). :D it's actually this really pretty tawny color, with brown roots! :B does make me happy. i'll post a blog later with a pic - too lazy to do it now.

but DAYUM. that shit will sting your eyes and nose and you will NEVER forget what that fucking smells like! like, *shudders* my eyes are still stinging...but hey, the things we do to hide. :P

anywhoozle, gonna check in with the rest of my people :D

moving times

so, once again, we are moving. *sighs and rubs temples* ever since we moved out of WC we've moved every summer. *head desk* why can't we just settle down in a house - with a basement? cos damn i love me a vampire lair. LOL.

but, mom has given me slight motivation. if we haul ass then i'll get money and/or a party....hopefully "and" lol. so that would be pretty bitching. especially if i can get this hairdye thing to work. cross your fingers and hope for blonde, not orange! lol

anyways, i'm bored OUT. OF. MY. MIND. at least i can use the "get the fuck outta the house" time to gather up unwanted clothes and shit and sell them....doesn't Plato buy clothes? you know, Plato, the teen thrift store? anyways....yeah

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I got my mad rad hair!!!!

so, i'm on the prowl for platinum blonde hair dye. :D it's gonna be bitchin'. i'm still gonna see if i can convince my mom to let me do the roots...*rolls eyes* just because i wanna do it once doesn't mean i want to dye the roots everytime. i know it's not healthy, but this once isn't gonna hurt. i'm not going to dye my hair platinum blonde everyday. i just want it blonde all the way, and then have other colors within it. then straighten and trim/cut, then add hairspray and BAM! scene hair. :B

anyways, yes, looking to do my hair blonde. it'll be a drag if i have to have my roots stay brown. *sighs*

so, also thinking about what clothes, toys, etc. i can sell for some money. i need some new clothes. *ponders*

anywhoozizzle, ttyl


xD so, as you can see, EVERYTHING is getting changed on the blog. still a work in progress.

but i'm configuring it to my newfound sense of belonging.

cos used to, i didn't really have anywhere to belong, looks wise or personality wise. i'm a little preppy, emo, goth, hippie, ghetto, punk, girly, tomboy....i'm a little of everything. AND I FOUND WHERE I BELONG!

scene kids - they are everything rolled into one, and i finally have a sense of belonging. we stick out in the crowd, even with each other, and i like that. but we have core elements that become the typical stereotypes that classifies us as scene, and i LOVE that.

anyways, i'm thinking about gathering up all my old stuff that i don't want/need/feel right in anymore and selling it. then i can maybe go buy a new wardrobe of things that fit me. :B

luv ya bitches.

:O The Umbrella Academy as a show on Cartoon Network? In my dreams - LITERALLY!

so as the title suggests, i did indeed have a dream where Gerard Way's "The Umbrella Academy" was to be a show on Cartoon Network. of course, i immediately thought, "well, that's stupid. if i was Gerard, Cartoon Network would be the last station i'd allow to have my ideas, since they rejected the Breakfast Monkey!" LOL. i'm so weird that my dreams reflect my actions on a nightly basis. this has gotta be the 5th or 6th MCR related dream i've had in the past few months. lawlz

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Can You Feel This?

so, i've fallen victim to Blood On The Dance Floor, or BOTDF for short, which is a scene band consisting of two guys, Dahvie Vanity and Garrett Ecstasy. :3 i love them, and one of my absolute favorite songs by them is "Save The Rave".

and the song elicited feeling from me that i can't tell you because Ashton said i can't ever say them again. -_-' so, i'm going to have to revert to a diary again. i probably should've never made this.....1) no one reads it, and 2) the few that drop in now and then feel the need to direct people i don't want reading this here. *glares*

so....expect even fewer blog entries. :(
so, anyways, let me get you the lyrics to "Save The Rave":

Music is my drug
Music is my love
Music is my favorite drug
Music is my only love

Music is my favorite drug
Music I've fallen in love

Music is my favorite drug
Music I've fallen in love
I got my milkshake
And I'm doing real well
Can't you tell! can't you tell!
Cuz I'm texting on my cell
Cuz I ahhhh ahhhhh
And your blahhh blahhh
Cuz I'm restitched
You can talk
You stupid tricks
You're the ones
Who'll buy my shit
Snap! snap! make this club clap

Dear mate to the soul
I've lost control
I'm breaking the scene
And this stupid routine
I've taken the pills
Giving in to thrills
Save the rave
Gotta dance the pain away!

I fell in love with the girl
At the dance club
She said what! as I'm kicking
Up the party drugs
She's so rad with her
Pin up stilettos
Pop lock
Bodies rock
Turn up
That speaker box
Bang! bang! dannng
Shoot em up
Shoot up this place
I'm with this
This sickness
So fictitious

Can you feel this?
Can you feel this?

Dear mate to the soul
I've lost control
I'm breaking the scene
And this stupid routine
I've taken the pills
Giving in to thrills
Save the rave
Gotta dance the pain away!

Ahhh, aaahhhhhh

We gotta dance
Dance the pain away
We gotta dance
Dance the pain away
We got to!
We have to!

We gotta dance this fucking pain away!
Can you feel this?

Monday, June 1, 2009

long time no post...again.

so, been doing some shizznit up in this biznitch.....no, i'm lying. i've been bored as FUCK. BUT, i did come up with a spin off to Alice in Wonderland - that's always fun. but i miss my art class and teacher. :( and ASHTON especially. *head desk repeatedly*

anywhoozle, i added a game down at the bottom of the page - it's REALLY fun. no real point, of course, but you know. and i'll be adding another, WAY more fun game later. you shoot hedgehogs into SPACE :O. fav online stupid game ever. no joke.

anyways, i'm thirsty, but too scared of rabies people and the grudge and resident evil to come popping out of dark places to go get a damn coke. yes, i'm a total wuss.